TorqueUI is a responsive web design centric UI Framework with HTML, CSS and Javascript components made for the modern web.
TorqueUI made with modern tools like Grunt, Sass and Compass making it easy for you to extend and build onto components. But also to extract and reuse just the parts that you want, for you own projects.
Every compontent and function of TorqueUI is made with Responsive web design in mind, making your design funtional and responsive on every device from a small phone to a large desktop screen.
With TorqueUI we wanted to build a framework that was easy to customize. So we split it into two major parts. A framework section, and a theme section. Making it easy for you to replace or ignore the coloring and themeing.
The main reason to use a UI framework like TorqueUI is to cut down on your development and design time. By giving you prebuild components, structured and reusable code. With the components and functionality build into frameworks like TorqueUI it is really easy to build and setup your own website, even for beginners. Just follow the example and guidelines on this site, and you can have it up and running in no time.
Like many other frameworks, with TorqueUI, we have spent alot of time developing code and components, that are responsive, so that you don't have to. We have taken commen UX patterns and build components around them, making it easy for you to reuse and build your own responsive website.
With TorqueUI we have decided to build it with Sass and Compass. Sass is a CSS precompiler, that is an extension of your normal CSS, and makes it possible to do alot more; Things like variables, color manipulation, functions and nesting, are just some prime examples. Compass is a framework for Sass, and is basicly a big collection of helpers and functions to extend the already excellent Sass functions. To controll all of this, we have decided to use Grunt a task manager and build tool, build with Javascript.
Some of our components are more complex then what is possible with simple CSS and HTML, so we have also build some Javascript libraries that accomendate the corrosponding CSS and HTML components. These libraries require jQuery to work.